Choosing Plowshare

Plowshare Farm takes the concepts of Rehabilitation Medicine and Developmental Pediatrics out into real life, customizing for each resident a therapeutic environment for meaningful living and working. Plowshare Farm has pulled it all together and it works.
— Paul Corcoran, MD (retired), Harvard Medical School, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital

Our doors are always open for visitors. If you are interested in learning more about Plowshare Farm after reviewing this information, please call our main office to arrange a visit.

Leadership and Support | Year of Volunteer Service Opportunities

Plowshare Farm is a lifesharing community where people of all capabilities are able to unfold their lives to the fullest potential. An extended family environment enables everyone here to lead purposeful and rewarding lives while being supported through their unique challenges. People who choose to make their lives at Plowshare receive support in developing vocational and life skills, socially appropriate behavior, and effective methods of communication. The unique gifts of each individual are nurtured, and deep, caring, and lasting relationships are formed.

Life at Plowshare is full of carefully chosen activities ranging from the educational, therapeutic, and vocational to the recreational and cultural. Its lifesharing homes, family farm, bakery and woodworking shop, cafe/store in Wilton, and other vocational training areas support growth and development of skills. It is a meaningful therapeutic alternative to both public and private institutions as well as traditional group homes.

People who choose to live at Plowshare Farm have a wide variety of skills and needs. Some people need to work on particular skills or are younger (21-28) and need be introduced to a variety of trades in order to find their own vocation.

As we are a physically active, non-medical model community, we are able to support folks who are without nursing needs, who are generally healthy and who are ambulatory.

Though we are striving to create a tuition assistance endowment, currently we are unable to offer this support. Some people bring private financial support to the community; others receive support from their home state. Our turnover rate is low and people who wish to join the community usually form a relationship with us over time prior to acceptance. We also have several people who join us just for daytime activities.

For further information about joining Plowshare Farm, either residentially or during the day, please contact us.